Writing has been my main form of connection this lifetime. At times when I didn’t talk to anyone, I always wrote to myself.

When I started writing my blog on my website in 2014 I was terrified. Having my voice in public felt like I was standing in the middle of the street naked. It has been a gradual process of being brave, showing up, and believing I have something to say. Mostly now, it’s that I get to experience moving forward rather than being stuck in one place, one idea, one mass of confusion.
Action is the antidote to despair.

At the start of last year (2022) I set out to write a ‘Lesson a day’ on Medium. I was loving it and could always come up with something to write. But I had to get a job and I lost the momentum and focus. I’m up to Lesson #75.
CLICK HERE to see my Medium page.
My blog
A vehicle for clarity
I'm writing this in real time .. post posting ..as I explore different ways of writing and sharing. I love to write and it wasn't until the end of 2015 that I started a practice of sharing my writing publicly via my website blog and then Facebook/Instagram and Medium....
Lesson #6: Flow is in the sweet spot
This lesson comes from my aikido practice but it is true for many things in life. So, when I am practicing a technique in aikido against a person who is using some resistance, if I am not correctly aligned, responding to their action will be difficult and require me...
Lesson #5: Say yes to your universe
This lesson comes out of the book ‘Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway’ by Susan Jeffers, though I’ve heard many variations saying the same thing. Saying ‘Yes’ to your universe invites you to not only accept everything that happens to you, but to welcome it. It requires...
Lesson #4: Together We Rise
‘A rising tide lifts all boats’ As we move toward a more healthily balanced society (as opposed to the imbalances of the patriarchy) I am seeing, particularly with women, how as we lift up others, we all rise. Many women have grown up not trusting other women and...
Lesson #3: Wealth Dynamics
Doing the Wealth Dynamics quiz I came out as a Dynamo / Creator type. This process was very validating and inspiring to me as I had done so many jobs that did not use my strengths. This test has helped me to to focus more on my strengths and to see the jobs that are...
Lesson #2: The Enneagram
In 2014 I was early in my journey of setting up a business, but I was struggling. I came across a free ebook that described the nine personality types of the Enneagram in terms of being a business person. I printed off the ebook and started reading through the...
Lesson #1: It’s okay to change your mind
I used to be really rigid when it came to decisions. I valued reliability and liked to see myself as reliable. When i made a decision I would stick with it, regardless of the pain or the clear signs to stop or change direction. In some ways this served me. I stuck...
Lessons for Life
At the start of this year I set myself a challenge to get me up and running. I committed to 'A lesson a day' (though I didn't set for how long) and for the first two months I did just that. But then I got a new job and other parts of my life needed attention so I let...
Waking up to a new year
I wrote and sent this to my email list (and Medium) so I am putting it up here rather belatedly since it sets the scene of what is to come. ----- We’re ticking over. The big clock is shifting from 2021 to 2022. Numbers feel significant to me. They mark a passage .....
The Witness
I wrote the following poem at the start of this year .. a stream of consciousness exploration. After randomly clicking on it I decided to read it to my writing group, intending first to tidy it. As it happened I couldn't bring myself to even look at it before our...
Your soul wants to evolve
“I feel like I’m turning a corner” I said to my friend on our coffee date .. realising as I said it that I’d said it before. I was following a new teacher, studying something inspiring, FEELING like I was evolving. I’d been on a mission to improve my life for...
Into the Quantum
We shall not cease from explorationAnd the end of all our exploringWill be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time.- T.S.Eliot Hi and welcome to the Quantum! It's a place I've begun exploring, where anything and everything is possible....
Goddess Power
You are the universe in ecstatic motion - Rumi Hello and Welcome to 2021. How do you feel about this year so far? Are you setting any goals or are you simply in for the ride? It looks like being another wild one. Goddess energy...
A Return to Love
If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. - Dalai LamaHello!Last day of 2020. Wow. I've had so many things I've wanted to talk about my brain has felt like exploding .. but I'm going...
Love Thy Self
Falling in love with oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.- Oscar WildeHello,Less than two weeks until the end of a momentous 2020 year. It's been a year of shake up on many levels. Even tonight, as I prepare to drive to Sydney tomorrow morning, there is a...