It’s Time to Fly
Masterminds for
Creative Evolution

Get connected, be inspired, take action and move your life forward
It’s been two wild years
And it’s time to move forward.
Why not?
Take action on a project
and evolve your life
at the same time.
Is a project calling you?
You’re ready to move forward
(or keep moving forward)
Feeling stuck really sucks!
And you don’t want to get to April
and feel like nothing has changed.
Here comes 2022 ..
It’s time for expansion!
Take action on your dreams
Move your life forward
See your invisible blocks
Be brave
Find connection
Create your life
13 weeks to transform your life
In this 13 weeks you will:
- find a clear and inspiring thing to focus on as an aspiration
- Find new and unexpected connections
- Take courageous action towards your goal
- Be more conscious of the patterns in your life
- Be taking creative action toward an inspiring outcome
In 13 weeks you will :
- have up-levelled your life.
- have been taking conscious creative action
- be a leap beyond your current existence.
This is your time to evolve.
There is no point staying stuck.
Spirit is calling.
Join me in a mastermind group or join me 1:1.
A new way to look at life
This is a jourey to discover our patterns
to honour our ego
to celebrate our spirit
and to move forward
in an inspired and empowered way.

Orly Grace
Creative Guide
I am your guide!
I believe in the power of masterminds to change your life.
Opening up in the presence of others, sharing your life journey, stretching ourselves, being courageous, being vulnerable, feeling connected, and being held accountable can be life. changing.
Too many people, and I’ve been one of them, are. doing things alone.
And on our own it’s too easy to give in to the overwhelming pull of past patterns, habits and. beliefs.
There are so many tools out there that it can be overwhelming working out what tool or course or life path is the one for us.
As you move toward the vision you have created, the tools or issues or beliefs or habits that have been stopping you will show up. This is your chance to be vulnerable and open to the messages.
You know that life could be so much bigger.
By April your life could be much the same,
OR .. you could be three months into a special project
with your life completely transformed.
“When you change the way you look at things
the things you look at change”
– Dr Wayne Dyer
There are patterns holding you back
First step is to see them
Then you can take steps to evolve.
In recent years I have transformed my experience of life.
I learned to love and to grieve,
I learned to give and receive, I learned to see the world more clearly and to remove many of the blinders.
I learned to empower myself and to see my desire to be rescued.
I learned to honour my gifts.
I learned to be vulnerable and to open up to connection.
I have learned to feel my feelings, to observe my ways of being, to make peace with my inner critic,
I learned that moving towards fear helps expand my life.
I learned to see what was blocking me
I learned to create an inspiring and aligned vision for my life.
From doing everything alone to enjoying lots of deep connection,
I have transformed my life.
Mastermind groups have been a big part of that.
The Process
You choose a project for your journey
(this may change)
We will meet up weekly for 9 weeks, either 1:1 or in a small (up to 5 people including me) mastermind group.
As you declare your intention and begin to take action, your automatic way of doing things will become apparent.
You have this opportunity to ‘do your life differently’ and to change your reality – in connection.
In 3 months your life could be much the same as it is right now
OR, it could be wildly different.
We chat via Zoom
8 X 60-90 min. calls (1:1 or group)
1 x 60-90 min. completion call 1:1
Creative Evolution Journeys
1:1 or Mastermind group
Creative Evolution
1:1 Journey
AUD $1,997 $997
(starting Jan 27 2021)
Only 12 spaces available
Creative Evolution
Mastermind Journey
AUD $997 $497
(starting Jan 27 2021)
Only 12 spaces available

How you do anything
Is how you do everything
5 Steps for Creative Evolution






Orly helped me identify lifelong patterns and to break those patterns.
It’s been life changing. I can’t recommend Orly enough!
– Kathy Moran

” the literal definition of a miracle is the ability to see the exact same thing in a different way.
Nothing changes, except you. When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
Sometimes you know exactly what’s wrong, and that means you’re halfway to solving a problem.
If you don’t know what’s wrong aka, you’re in a funk, go to Orly and you’ll leave with a miracle “
– Everest Asher
Spirit is calling.
Will you heed the call?
How do I choose what to focus on?
I ask you to come up with 3 ideas for some thing to make your focus for this 13 weeks, and we will have a call (up to 90 minutes) to discuss your ideas, where you’re at and get some clarity. In that call we will get clarity on what it would make most sense to focus on to make this a fun, inspiring and rewarding experience.
I’m not sure whether 1:1 or a mastermind group is better for me.
What are some ideas for 13 week projects?
Create something, change a part of your life, take on a new habit or action, …
Can I focus on more than one thing?
1 x work related / action oriented / masculine
1 x personal / self care / allowing / feminine