I’m considering becoming a Cub Scout Leader. It’s a big commitment so it’s a big decision. I have arguments for why I should and shouldn’t do this. I will outline my thinking and see if a clear path becomes apparent. This is how I tend to make most of my decisions. In a slow considered way through writing. It helps give me clarity so it is like my lifeline to sanity.
- scout leaders are needed and this is a worthy service
- apparently they need more female leaders
- this is something I’m sure Joey will get a lot out of
- it becomes a shared connection, since I am only now learning all about it too
- it is a big challenge – in that I have tended to run from wanting to lead – preferring to be on my own
- it could help me in my journey toward teaching martial arts to kids
- it will challenge me to be more social
- I will meet other parents
- I will learn new skills
- This could be an opportunity for an hour of space in the week .. rather than filling up the week with more activity
- this is a big commitment that will become an extra source of stress in my life
- Joey could do with some time without me (and me him)
- I could still garner much of the Scouts learning through watching Joey rather than having to go through the whole thing myself – i.e. doing it is my need to keep learning
- I feel quite uncomfortable with the Scouts procedures .. I struggle with that sort of thing. In fact .. I’m not much of a group person .. so the ceremonies and actions make me feel very awkward
- I am told it’s fun for the adults too .. and I can see they have fun .. but fun is different for everyone .. and one and a half hours with kids yelling in a hall could never be my idea of fun. Maybe I’m just not cut out to be a Scout leader.
If you have thoughts or advice based on what I’ve shared .. please share :)