Note : this is a work in progress :)

In the interests of releasing this final post for the year before the new year begins, I am putting some words to screen, with the intention of finishing later.


2015 has been a crazy, intense, busy year. So much so that I’ve been a bit stuck on how to write about it. I feel quite keen to jump onto the 2016 bandwagon and to be putting my energies there. But first, I will start with some reflection, since the fact I am willing and about to jump into 2016 with such gusto is a product of the deep dives into the unknown I’ve undertaken this year.

To sum up 2015 I would say: transformative, intense, extreme, challenge.

The year felt full of movement, and it was, with at least 6 roadtrips, four journeys by plane, and much pushing against my comfort zones .. from speaking out to accepting support to opening up to jumping into the unknown. Baby steps. Lots of baby steps. And the journey is still just beginning.

A year of extremes, extreme anguish and pain, including suicides and a hugely destructive family law court case.  Yet also huge dreams, successes and joys.

Things seemed to happen slowly, and yet it felt like I was constantly behind, with too much to do, catching up, overwhelmed, running late.

One of my biggest breakthroughs is to have finally gotten over, somewhat, my phobia of blogging and sharing my thoughts and writing in public.

I completed another year of #365 days on Instagram .. and I’m wondering how I might switch it up on Instagram for the new year – will I have a theme or a project to keep me accountable?  Is there a way I could take away some of the effort .. or make it more fun?

I signed up to become a cub scout leader.  I was hugely reluctant and cautious, but felt immensely better after committing.  I’m planning to teach some aikido to the kids in 2016.

I started up a mastermind group to share our goals, get feedback and be accountable. We have been meeting up every fortnight since August and it has made a huge difference to me, perhaps most specifically in maintaining a much more regular blogging practice than I would have otherwise.

I attended the World Domination Summit in Portland, Oregon in July.  It was a magical experience in very many ways .. a return to a much younger version of me, a shifted perspective on the world.

I explored the enneagram in great depth, and my love for it, just over a year since I ‘discovered’ it, hasn’t waned.

My garden is transformed, reshaped, and ready to be planted and created.

Cloudscape was envisioned, accepted for the Sculpture by the Sea 2016 exhibition, and big moves towards its creation made.

This website has been developed and transformed.

I’ve made new friends (this is a huge difference to a typical year for me).

I have been training in aikido twice a week, doing five tibetans stretches many mornings, gotten out of my long term meditation before bed habit (how easy it was to lose that habit I had been doing for years).

I did lots of consulting tarot cards for some clarity on the freefall I was feeling.

I lost connection with almost everyone.  And yet also did lots of reconnecting.