So, a while back I learnt about a tendency of my personality type (Enneagram type 5) .. it was a sort of joke .. that rather than ‘ready, set, go ..’ instead we get stuck in ‘ready, ready, ready ..’. This analogy described my experience so well .. of overthinking things and holding back from taking action. And I’ve been taking it upon myself to step into things since then that I wouldn’t otherwise .. and it’s all been a bit of a waking up process.
So today, 11.11, is the official ‘launch day’ with my Shine Your Light fellow goddesses :). My launch is the making available of the Circle of Life rings through a Paypal button on my website. My goal is to have this sorted and up by / at 11.11 tonight. I do enjoy having fun with numbers, I must admit.
Today I walked the labyrinth in Dorrigo with some fellow adventurers ..
I’m noticing my wrinkles .. but at least they are smile lines :)
And I currently have a not so happy camper who does NOT want to go away on another camp tomorrow morning. It is a Cub Scout overnight camp, and for the first time I am not joining in. I am giving myself the time and space to work on assignments that I have due by Tuesday for the Individual Support (Aged Care) course I am coming close to finishing. And I also have two or three weeks of work experience in a nursing home starting on Monday – though I’m planning to work in the community once the course is over.
I’m tying up loose ends.
I’ve drawn a line in the sand in terms of doing architectural drafting to support myself. I now plan to only use those skills for my own projects. This is a massive breakthrough. It’s been like stepping across a threshold.
On Monday, with some sort of super full moon, I’ll be attending a Playback Theatre event that’s been set up by a friend and fellow Shine Your Light priestess. I’m a bit nervous about it – but nothing a bit of breathing won’t deal with.
If I look at my life as a wave, it is at a stage where it is building in momentum and getting ready to land. My challenge is to simply keep breathing and keep taking steps forward. I’ve had such a connected time lately .. and this is really unusual for me. But it has also been really lovely and fun.