Connection .. and Re-Connection
Connection. The jewel of life.
My work explores many different ways to connect, to enhance our experience of life.
My new course ‘Find your own adventure – explore to reconnect’ is in the making and will be offered free to all those who sign up before the end of this year. Launch date for the beta version will be early 2016.
I am on an ever intensifying journey of reconnection, as I push myself out of my comfort zone and turn up my light in the world.
Always one to hide away deep in thought, coming out into the open is scary and exhilarating. But I’ve been a long time in preparation, so there is no time like the Present :).
I’m offering a fresh perspective and approach to exploring the world.
. I am creating a Opportunities to connect to our essence .. to the part of us that needs nourishment and attention.
My life has been a journey of seeking to understand – which took me into my head and away from the world. And yet, coming full circle requires a fresh attention to.
I want to heighten and deepen the experience of life so that we can see the world in a more wholistic and integrated way.
Creating immersive