I’ve signed up for ‘Quest 2016’, which included 13 prompts for envisioning 2016. I will write my responses to all thirteen prompts in this one post.
2016 does feel like a step into something fresh and new. It feels like so much hard work has been done and now things can start to take shape. I can see this in so many areas of my life. I feel like I’ve been swimming in the soul soup for a long time, and the time to emerge is beckoning.
Here are my responses:
Prompt 1 from Susan Piver, meditation teacher, writer and speaker
What I most need to tell myself about 2016 is:
It’s time. Sieze the day. Be bold. Keep going. Hang in there. Stay open. Share. Trust. Explore. Discover. Wonder. Enjoy. Accept. Let go.
Prompt 2 from Jonathan Fields, creator, The Good Life Project.
A magical unexpected fortune will be provided if you work full time for twelve months in pursuit of an answer to a single question of your choosing. What is your question?
At this point in time, since I am determined to get Cloudscape up and realised, it could be a question that supports that process.
How can Cloudscape change the way that people connect?
How can I experience connection in the creation of Cloudscape?
How can I shift my thinking in the creation of Cloudscape?
What would my highest self do?
Prompt 3 from Debbie Millman, designer and writer
How would you do business as unusual in 2016 if you knew – no matter what you chose – you would not fail?
Create a video clarifying my proposal, and sharing this via the internet, to find benefactors who might see the value in it and be prepared to support the project financially or in other ways .. with a vision toward having a space in their own community in the future.
Prompt 4 from Dr Tina Seelig, teacher on creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship, writer, creator.
What advice would your future self a year from now give you today?
Set deadlines, but be at ease around them. See them as carrots rather than whips.
Practice being present. Use this as a tool to release anxiety while pushing against your comfort zones.
Play big. What’s the point of keeping it small. Play big. Dream big. Think big.
Always connect.
In times of doubt .. do.
Prompt 5 from Scott Barry Kaufman, scientist, writer, teacher
What recurring daydream for 2016 inspires you to do business as unusual like never before?
This is a fun question for me because it lets me address the challenges and opportunities in what I am envisioning. Over the past few years I have explored many avenues, searching for a path that felt aligned. The closest I’ve come, a sort of fanciful dream, is the creation of magical playspaces for all ages.
In 2015 I brought to life an idea I have been playing with for years in creating Cloudscape – a sculpture, an adventure playground, a meeting place, a public space, a landmark, a thinking shifter and a spirit connector.
Feedback since sharing this idea has been very positive. The act of sharing has been an act of transformation for me since it has required me to express myself publicly, going against my natural instincts. This is liberating and is helping to unlock me from a cage I had created for myself.
In answer to the question .. I am very inspired to do business as unusual because I am creating this piece in the way that uses my strengths. Also, given the scope of this project, I can’t do it all alone – and so I’m am inspired to connect with others and accept support to help make it happen. bringing others on board will also give the best chances of making this idea a success, bringing more opportunities for beauty, adventure, connection and transformation to the world.
Prompt 6 from Seth Godin, writer and change-maker. His latest book, What To Do When It’s Your Turn (2014) sounds like a must read for me. It is described as ‘an urgent call to do the work we’re hiding from, a manifesto about living with things that might not work, and embracing tension when doing your art.’
Would they miss you if you were gone?
Normally I think I’d struggle with this question, but right now, while I’m pushing to make Cloudscape happen and it otherwise would probably not happen – then I think there could be people out there sorry to not get to experience it. I know I am keen to experiencing what it will be like in full size. Right now, getting the model finished and getting clearer on the details will make me feel more confident about the jump up to full size.
Apart from Cloudscape .. would they miss me. Well, for sure for my past life I wouldn’t be too missed because I hardly existed at all except for in my own space, my ultimate bliss zone.
Prompt 7 from John Jantsch, marketing consulant, author and speaker:
What can you stop doing in 2016 such that it would allow you to focus on higher payoff activities?
Struggling with this question right now. Straight off the top of my head to get started:
Going to bed late
Sleeping in
Worrying what people think
Screens at night (except for writing)
Prompt 8 from Sally Hogshead, writer ‘How the world sees you’, speaker, researcher.
Of these 3 options, which one is most important in your work right now:
- – quality of life
- – quality of work
- – quality of compensation
At this point for me it is definitely quality of work. When I saw those words, though they could have different meanings, I thought of how important getting the details right in the creation of Cloudscape will impact the other two options. Creating Cloudscape is a journey towards a life that is meaningful and inspiring to me. Since any creation of Cloudscape requires funds, I will be able to factor compensation into their creation. And the compensation could be other than financial too.
Prompt 9 from Chris Brogan, business coach, writer & speaker.
How will you better clarify whom you serve and what you do for them in 2016?
My first thoughts on this are that I serve people who are disconnected or lost.
What I want to do for them in 2016 :
Both the creation of Cloudscape (a team effort) and the piece itself are opportunities to bring people who are alone, lost or hiding to join with others to experience the world afresh. This is a potentially life changing opportunity.
My blog is the sharing and speaking up so others can know they are not alone. For so long I felt like a freak, an outside, and did not realise there were so many others like me – it’s just that I never seemed to meet them – locked away in their own private worlds. I still haven’t much. But I know they are out there.
Prompt 10 from Charlie Gilkey, Productive Flourishing.
Which element of your best work do you most want to amplify this year?
Perhaps the element of wonder .. of wondering out loud about all the things I spend my time wondering about. Of finding new ways to wonder. Of exploring the idea of wonder.
Prompt 11 from Todd Henry, a writer I now want to read with titles like ‘Die Empty: Unleash Your Best Work Every Day’ and ‘Louder Than Words: Harness the Power of Your Authentic Voice’.
It takes bravery to know your strengths and operate diligently within them. Are you running your race or someone else’s.
I have, to a large part, come to my ‘business vision’ due to the fact that my strengths don’t seem to mesh with the rest of society. I’m no good with super fast, bash it out, highly social, consumerist society.
Over the years I have done what I needed to in order to survive, but found my strengths (deep thought, high quality, slow and measured, antisocial, reclusive, independent, unconventional, quirky) were weaknesses rather than strengths. So I have set out to find a path that would satisfy my curiosity, use my skills, allow me to connect with others in meaningful ways, be making a contribution, be fun, and inspire me to evolve.
With Artistry in Play I am building parts of myself that need strengthening – like self expression, opening up and connecting – as well as using skills I have developed – creating design proposals, making applications to council, collaborating with specialist consultants, writing, imagining, researching, developing, clarifying, creating.
So, yes, I feel it’s very much my own race – with sometimes shifting goal posts.
Prompt 12 from Jen Louden, writer on well-being and whole living:
What’s the story you most desire to bring to life in 2016?
What’s the story your just-right client most desires to bring to life in 2016?
Where do your two stories overlap?
My story: the creation of Cloudscape and the journey it takes, and where it goes and what it meets along the way.
My just-right client. This must be a big dreamer / philanthropist who sees the value in this idea and wants to help make it happen. It is someone for whom the issues of isolation and disconnection hold important resonance and Cloudscape represents hope and meaning. They desire to bring to life a deeper sense of meaning and purpose, and a sense of contribution.
Overlap. Our stories could overlap in many different ways, but in essence, it would be a shared connection and sense of accomplishment at bringing something new and special into the world.
Prompt 13 from Srinivas Rao, host and founder of The Unmistakable Creative podcast.
What will you do in 2016 to assure you and your best work are unmistakable?
I feel I need to do some research to answer this question, but in order to make a start I will see what comes up as I sit here …
I think I mainly need to ‘speak up’ a bit. Perhaps to share more boldly my quirky view on the world. What I will do in 2016 is stay in action by sharing my thoughts and ideas and keeping on creating.
Onward Questing
Yo ho .. I believe I have answered all prompts from the Quest. Hooray. I definitely feel clearer about what is important as I step into this new year. And with all that in mind, it is time to choose my ‘word for 2016’. What shall it be?? For so many years it has been Clarity. Perhaps I can finally accept moving forward boldly with purpose rather than needing clear the way and get ever clearer on the vision or bigger picture.
So with all of what I have written in mind .. this year’s shortlist is:
Self expression
I will let these words percolate and will return with the selection.