I must be a mermaid, I have no fear of depths and a great fear of shallow living.
– Anais Nin
How beautiful is this bee!
On Thursday it was walking slowly around my desk and Friday it was dead.
After I posted it on my Fb business page a friend of mine who runs a bee business – selling honey and educating people about bee-keeping – reached out to me saying this was ‘her favourite solitary bee, a blue banded bee’, and asked if she could keep it as an education piece. These are the times where I love social media – when it sparks random connections and insights.
Looking closely or deeply at anything (or anyone) makes me love it, admire it and respect it. And zooming in on things in the natural world makes them ever more complex and beautiful.
I was watching an interview recently where the woman being interviewed, who is a face reader, talked about how her gift was ‘seeing people’ and how for many people it is the first time they are truly ‘seen’. One of the gifts of her work was, she said, that people vulnerably allowing her to see them was a form of love. I really resonated with what she said. And the beauty of it is that, the act of opening up and being seen is an act of love, which as a witness inspires love, which allows that person to be seen with love and allows them to then see themselves with love.
I’m not really sure where I’m going with this, but it feels related to a conundrum I’ve been pondering as I search for clarity around work I can do to bring together my gifts and interests in such a way that I get to bring my best and highest self to the world.
Yesterday, as I was driving home from the beach, pondering this question, I had the thought that it is the journey I am enthralled by and perhaps the idea of trying to land upon a ‘destination’ is my problem. Freedom to explore is important to me. Deep connection is also important. And perhaps my constant studies and explorations, driven by a desire to understand, have been my way of loving and connecting. Or maybe I need to come up to the surface, lighten up, and stop ‘searching’ to find my answer.
I could go round in circles here so I will finish up and send this as an incomplete exploration.
I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Much love,