I’m writing this in real time .. post posting ..as I explore different ways of writing and sharing.
I love to write and it wasn’t until the end of 2015 that I started a practice of sharing my writing publicly via my website blog and then Facebook/Instagram and Medium. When I fall into a hole of feeling like the world is completely fucked and there is no point and no hope, it is writing that brings me back and gives me a sense of meaning. As a ‘creator’ archetype, I get a sense of meaning and purpose through the act of creation. This is where I can shift from victim into hero and begin to take action to change my life.
It’s interesting how, after breaking free of a tunnel of doom I am currently still aware of the desperate feeling while starting to find some glimmers of meaning and hope. For one I am conscious of the visceral experience of being alive and as I tell myself – I am a spiritual being here having a human experience, and I’M HERE FOR IT (as much as I sometimes don’t want to be).
Anyway – basically my writing and offering is to share the many, many paths I have been down on my incessant journey of searching for meaning and purpose in my life. Maybe I can show you some paths you might not otherwise discover, and help you to choose your own adventure in your life.
This blog has been one of my paths toward finding clarity for moving forward. And the path continues. You are welcome to join me on my adventure.
Buckle in for the ride. Anything could happen. Let’s go!
This lesson comes from my aikido practice but it is true for many things in life. So, when I am practicing a technique in aikido against a person who is using some resistance, if I am not correctly aligned, responding to their action will be difficult and require me to use strength. It is one of the advantages of being a female aikidoka. Males, being generally stronger, can often use strength to get techniques to work, and consequently not take advantage of the full magic of the practice.
One of my favourite experiences during training is when I am struggling to do a technique, and then the tiniest, subtle adjustment can shift things from feeling really hard, to completely effortless. This is the magic of aikido. This can also be true for life — which I’m in the process of making happen. There are a lot more variables in life, but the principle is the same. I’ll let you know when I get there :).
ai — harmony
ki — spirit
do — way/path
The way of harmony with spirit. The way of effortless action. I believe this experience of the ‘sweet spot’ demonstrates the essence of aikido.
This lesson comes out of the book ‘Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway’ by Susan Jeffers, though I’ve heard many variations saying the same thing.
Saying ‘Yes’ to your universe invites you to not only accept everything that happens to you, but to welcome it. It requires you to trust that you live in a loving universe.
In a similar vein is the idea of ‘loving the ropes’ — the ropes being those things that you feel are restricting you or causing you pain. When you ‘love the ropes’ they disappear.
Essentially, this all points to the power of our mind in how we experience any situation. Byron Katie’s book ‘Loving What Is’ and practice of ‘The Work’ gives a structured approach for turning around your thoughts and seeing what feels like your reality differently.
“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”
As we move toward a more healthily balanced society (as opposed to the imbalances of the patriarchy) I am seeing, particularly with women, how as we lift up others, we all rise. Many women have grown up not trusting other women and experiencing jealousy, comparison and destructive competition. Perhaps it goes back to the times of witch burnings where women were encouraged to dob in each other, or maybe it goes back even further to women being all but written out of sacred texts such as the bible. Female genital mutilation is still today done by females. Women can be vicious with each other. But this is an old paradigm that is finally starting to fade. It is time to lift up our sisters and celebrate their success, rather than see them as a threat or competition.
This support and uprising of women offers hope for both humanity and the planet.
Doing the Wealth Dynamics quiz I came out as a Dynamo / Creator type. This process was very validating and inspiring to me as I had done so many jobs that did not use my strengths. This test has helped me to to focus more on my strengths and to see the jobs that are out of alignment.
Wealth Dynamics (AKA Talent Dynamics) is a system that shows you where your natural talents lie. When you are operating from your natural talents you are able to be in flow which is where you are able to have the biggest impact, feel the most joy, and experience ‘wealth’.
This system overlays many different systems including the I-Ching, the seasons, the five Chinese elements, and much more.
Apart from describing where your strengths lie, it also describes the two other profiles you need on your team to operate most successfully.
I highly recommend this system to understand yourself better.
I help creative entrepreneurs (and curious explorers) who feel stuck, confused or disconnected, to find clarity, take action, and fall in love with life.
Your presence is needed. Your voice is important. Things will get better.
With a journey through the Enneagram and a project you want to complete you will start to see your blocks, break through and into action, enjoy the satisfaction and learn the lessons that project taught you.
Your learnings then take you through into your next project.
About me
Orly Grace
Writer, Sculptor, Guide.
I share lessons from my quest to find clarity and meaning in life.
I use the Enneagram as a system of divine transformation that shows you your lessons and helps you to see your aligned path forward.
Choose your project to get started. You can do my free QUIZ.